Category: Forex Trading

  • Contracts 101: What is a Contract?

    The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 regulates contracts by restricting the operation and legality of some contract terms. It extends to nearly all forms of contract and one of its most important functions is limiting the applicability of disclaimers of liability. The terms extend to both actual contract terms and notices that are seen to…

  • contract Wex LII Legal Information Institute

    Consequently, contract law in the Chinese mainland functions as a de facto mixed system. The 2021 civil code provides for the regulation of nominate contracts in a manner similar to that of jurisdictions such as Japan, Germany, France, and Québec. If the agreement does not meet the legal requirements to be considered a valid contract,…

  • How to Change Your Reddit Username: 4 Quick & Easy Tricks

    /r/findareddit can help you find somewhere to post. To submit an original thought of your own, start with the “Submit a new text post” on the right side of the home page and fill out the form that will pop up. When all the fields are filled out, click “submit” and your post will go…

  • How to Change Your Reddit Username: 4 Quick & Easy Tricks

    If the post consists of original content, written specifically for Reddit, you’ll see a small graphic of a page next to it. This means that if you click on the content title, you’ll stay on the Reddit site to read it. As with most sites these days, to participate in Reddit, you’ll need to sign…

  • Bar Graph Chart Definition, Parts, Types, and Examples

    The okcoin review range between the high price and low price of an asset is represented by the vertical height of a bar chart. This bar uses horizontal lines to note the opening and closing prices. A bar chart is a collection of price bars, with each bar showing price movements for a given period.…

  • Federal Financial Supervisory Authority Wikipedia

    With regard to the supervision of exchanges it’s a peculiarity of the German market that—due to the federal structure in Germany—there is responsibility at state level in terms of exchange supervisory authorities. On the other hand the clearinghouses and the central securities depository are supervised by BaFin. BaFin is run by a Board consisting of…